A slice of a rich chocolate cake after a
nasty break up, a pint of pistachio & cashew ice cream while crying your
heart out and a box full of chocolates to carry around while mending your heart. Like most people, I too have been in and out of a relationship and seek refuge to food, especially the ones I do not usually eat coz t makes me fat. Now, the question here is: What's with that? Why do people who are trying hard to recover from bad break ups, easily surrender to food cravings? Let's research shall we?
One article said that a study on the World War II prisoners took place during the 1960's. The author said that those prisoners ended up ill because of severe depression, and their current state is mainly caused by stress and hunger. So, basing only on that single article, food really affects the body as well as the mind. If food has negative effect once deprived of it, then in some cases it may also have the power to relieve a person’s sadness or anxiety. We all know that everything is a two way street right? There are pros and cons, bad and good, positive and negative and so on. Furthermore, on food and its psychological effect on people, I firmly believe that it does help.This is due to the fact that I have done it quite often when I was young and stupid enough to have my heart broken.(FYI, I don't need it anymore since I am quite certain my heart is safe, for now. :)) And to those who will oppose my opinion, try it first or ask a friend who has encountered a broken heart. I am quite sure, a lot would agree that something as simple as golden brown french fries can turn your bad day into a great one! Care to test my theory? Hope not.
My very own food list to ease your pain:

Now I'm officially hungry! Till next time people - xoxo your Sisig Master
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